Utilities have their playbook. It’s time we had our own.


History of Utilities​

People’s Utility Justice Playbook

Info Session Recording


Anchors :

  • Yesenia Rivera
  • Johanna Bozuwa

Project Developers & Writers :

  • Nora Elmarzouky
  • Shana Potter
  • Crystal Huang
  • Gail Francis
  • Timothy DenHerder-Thomas
  • Shiva Patel
  • Bianca Sopoci- Belknap
  • Jessica Tovar
  • Subin DeVar

Reviewers :

  • Maria Stamas
  • Al Weinrub
  • Heaven Campbell
  • Liz Veazey
  • Grayson Flood
  • Anne Vollertsen

Editor :

  • A.S. Lewis

Designer :

  • Jason Killinger

Interviewees :

  • Jessica Tovar
  • Denise Abdul-Rahman
  • Bridget Vial
  • Joe Uehlein
  • Liz Veazey
  • John Brautigam
  • Irene Hong Ping Shen
  • David Pomerantz
  • Basav Sen
  • Anthony Giancatarino
  • Shalanda Baker
  • Jodi Lasseter
  • Connie Leeper
  • Jonathan Bix
  • Nikita Perumal
  • Mari Rose Taruc
  • Wan Smith
  • Patrick Robbins
  • Liz Kantor
  • Matt Haugen
  • Tony Reames
  • Kanchan Swaroop
  • Chris Woolery
  • Jorden Revels