
The Project serves as a collective resource to support organizations working to democratize energy in the United States


What is the Energy Democracy Project?

The Energy Democracy Project is a collaboration of more than 30 diverse, local, frontline organizations across the United States. Together, we strengthen our collective efforts to democratize energy, and advance the emerging energy democracy movement across the country.

The Project is distinct in its mission to build the energy democracy movement through dynamic organizational collaboration:

  • Sharing of expertise and knowledge that advances the energy democracy work of each Project Collaborator
  • Developing stronger relationships between organizations
  • Identifying and addressing common technical and resource needs
  • Developing a well-defined sense of collective responsibility and common strategies for progress


How does our collaboration work?

The Energy Democracy Project consists of a decentralized group of Project Collaborators who believe in the idea that community ownership and control of the clean energy transition are a means to bring about racial and economic equity. While we celebrate our diversity, we come together based on our Shared Values and Purpose.

This collaboration centers on the programmatic initiatives of the Project’s Working Committees, each anchored by two Collaborators. Together, these Anchor members guide and support the Project in our Steering Committee, where they are responsible for creating and overseeing a system of decentralized, participatory, and inclusive activities.


How did the Energy Democracy Project come together?

How is energy democracy a critical climate solutions strategy?

A political framework

That struggle—to take ownership and control of energy away from these powerful interests and place it in the hands of our communities—is the struggle to democratize energy.
Al Weinrub, Energy Democracy Project co-founder