Indiana State Conference of the NAACP Environmental Climate Justice Program

The Indiana NAACP Environmental Climate Justice Program provides popular education that supports the existing power of community utilizing collective systems thinking, to obtain equitable and just systems change.

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  • Environmental injustices, including climate change, have a disproportionate impact on communities of color and low income communities in the US and around the world.Our work is implemented within the context of human and civil rights issue, advocating for three objectives, Equitably Reduce Harmful Emissions, Particularly Greenhouse Gases, Advance Energy Efficiency and Equitable Energy, and Strengthen Community Resistance and Livability.

Why Energy Democracy?

  • The need to change our relationship with energy
  • Our right to determine what, when and how energy is to be used
  • Our right to generate equitable renewable energy
  • Our right to a Just Transition from the Middle passage, to Jim and James Crow

Key Strategy

  • Opened opportunity for the inclusion of community and MBE’s relating to Resiliency planning, energy decisions, environmental hazard and more
  • Creates academia opportunities for student research that does not exist in Indiana and beyond
  • Protect Health
  • Ramping Education Green Economic Job training Opportunity
  • Equitable Location of energy development
  • Equitable reduction of CO2 and it’s Co-pollutants within Integrated Resource Planning
  • Youth empowerment and adult empowerment via Citizen Science
  • Federal, State and Local Legislative Impact
  • Impacts within Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission, Office of Utility Consumer Counseling
  • Climate, water, air, incineration, food access, brownfields, energy, housing, economics, criminal justice, schools, transportation equity, recycling equity and much more.


Featured Photos

Hosted by Indiana State Conference of the NAACP Environmental Climate Justice Program

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