East Bay Clean Power Alliance

East Bay Clean Power Alliance is an Alameda County-wide alliance of organizations and individuals.

Join the East Bay Clean Power Alliance


  • The East Bay Clean Power Alliance advocates for Community Choice energy programs in the East Bay that serve to spur equitable economic development and family-sustaining clean energy jobs, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, stabilize or lower the cost of electricity, improve community health and social equity, and provide other community benefits.We see the development of local renewable energy resources (including reduced consumption) as key to securing these benefits.

Why Energy Democracy?

  • Have Affordable & Stable Rates for Electricity
  • Produce Local Clean Energy & Reduce Consumption
  • Reduce Greenhouse Gas Pollution
  • Create Good Clean Energy Jobs
  • Keep the Energy Wealth in Our Communities
  • Improve Health and Safety
  • Exercise Community Control of Our Local Energy Program

Key Strategy

  • Form an alliance and organize to get community sign-ons to your goals and demands
  • Get your goals and demands in the Joint Powers Authority (governing documents)
  • Watch the process, because only community people can put the “community” in Community Choice Energy.


In October 2016 we won a chartered commitment to a local clean energy build out investment for Alameda County-the first Community Choice program to have this commitment! In addition we won community participation in the design of the program; a Community Advisory Committee of 9 members + 1 (the chair) to represent the community on the East Bay Community Energy board with elected officials.

In January of 2017 the East Bay Community Energy board was seated along with our Community Advisory Committee chairperson.  In addition our 9 member Community Advisory Committee board were seated to way in on issues that come to the board.

In June of 2018 the East Bay Community Energy program started providing energy to a pilot of 100 residents, commercial and municipal accounts in Alameda County.

In November 2018, it will be launched for all residents in Alameda County.

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Hosted by East Bay Clean Power Alliance

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