«Reimaginando la Energía para Nuestras Comunidades» Zine

A product of deep collaboration between grassroots organizations, the REFOCUS zine is a graphic tool meant to be shared with community, teams, and anyone interested in understanding the path towards energy justice.

Download the zine to learn how Energy Democracy work is connected from Alaska to Puerto Rico, and build a movement for energy democracy with your community! 

For print-ready files or versions in other languages, please email us at hello@energydemocracy.us.

Libro de Tácticas del Pueblo: Justicia y los Servicios Públicos

Historia de Las Utilidades

Modelo de Legislación para la Democracia Energética

Plataforma Política de la Democracia Energética

El libro, La Democracia Energética

Powerful stories from the front lines

Curious about how we collaboratively develop these resources? This is how we work!